Waterproofing maintenance describes “regular roof maintenance” in the waterproofing industry. Regular roof maintenance prevents leaks and reduces the need for a major renovation due to damage. Because of the harsh climate and temperature extremities in South Africa, waterproofing maintenance every 2 – 3 years is a requirement.

The following roof types require regular maintenance:

  • flat concrete slab roofs
  • pitched cement tiled roofs
  • pitched clay tiled roofs
  • natural slate tiled roofs
  • bitumen torch-on roofs
  • corrugated iron roofs
  • IBR steel roofs
  • and concrete slab roofs.

Waterproofing maintenance – what happens when preformed incorrectly 

Poorly maintained waterproofing is a primary cause of damp ingress and water leaks. As a result of this, it is good practice to regularly have your roof inspected by a professional roofing/waterproofing contractor. In most cases Universal Roofing does roofing and waterproofing inspections free of charge because we care about our customers.  Detailed roof inspection reports however, maybe charged accordingly.

Homeowners insurance 

Insurance companies often have mandatory roof maintenance clauses in their contracts. Generally policyholders are covered against leaks, resulting from physical damage to the roof (i.e hailstones or storm damage).

Therefore, if you need any roof repair or leak detection services, contact Universal Roofing to book your free inspection/assessment today. Our years of industry experience ensures we can offer expert advice and superior workmanship.

The best time of the year for routine waterproofing maintenance is winter when dry conditions without, afternoon thundershowers and storms are hampering the process.


A friendly consultant will arrange a convenient date and time for a representative to meet you on site for a free inspection. No delays – once you sign and e-mail your quotation back to us, your order will be allocated to our professional maintenance teams. We have over 60 vehicles in our fleet, and approximately 2km of ladders!